Former parish church dedicated to All Saints was located at the intersection of Grodzka Street and the Market Square (now St Michael). The construction of the church started before the year 1440; it lasted probably to the year 1470. The temple was built in the Gothic style with measuring ‘more than a hundred ells’ (about 60 m) tower, crowned with more than two-fathom high (about 4 meters) bronze statue of Saint Michael the Archangel holding a sword, towered with its posture over the town.
In 1523, the temple was nominated a collegiate church. The church had 11 side altars, 12 Gothic windows, ceiling with a groined vault and extended by three chapels. The church had a valuable décor, was richly equipped, especially when it comes to works of art and treasury.
Under the church and next to it, at the cemetery there were numerous tombs of which the broadest was the Ostrogskis’ tomb. Just beside the church, there was a burying cemetery and church houses, and the property was surrounded by a wall.
Slow decay of the temple started in the second half of the 18th century. The state of the temple was so deplorable that, as a result of rainfall, masses could not be celebrated.
In 1785, under the pretext of church reforms Austrians decided to close and sell the church at auction, however, at the request of the residents of the town in 1787, they allowed to reopen it. In 1800, the church lost its dignity of a collegiate church and was transformed into a parish church, whereas its treasury was plundered for the sake of the Habsburg monarchy. Deprived of its income and valuables, the church fell increasingly into disrepair. On the day of June 2, 1804 a tragedy happened: during the octave of Corpus Christi from the top of the high tower a faction fell and pierced the vault. 22 people were killed at the time. After this event in 1808, the church was sold by Austrians at auction. The church itself and churchyard buildings were demolished, whereas the brick was sold with the intention of using it for residential construction.