Mary in the image of a miraculous Pietà has been worshiped in Jarosław for more than six centuries. According to a legend, the figure was discovered by shepherds on August 20, 1381, when grazing cattle on pastures surrounding Jarosław. A wooden statue depicting Mary mourning her Son is said to have appeared on a pear tree growing in the field on the so-called ‘Piety Hill’.
The history of the so-called ‘Well’ dates back to the 14th century. Near the statue of the Mother of God there was a spring which was used by the pilgrims to satisfy their thirst. Over time, water from the spring began to be considered miraculous. According to the messages through faith, prayer and pious drinking of the water from the spring many miracles of healing, and even resurrections took place.
In the 18th century the spring was timbered, while in 1752 the construction of an octagonal brick chapel of which interior walls were decorated with descriptions of the miracles that took place there was completed. In 1895, an altar was built in which a copy of Jarosław Pietà was placed. During the occupation, the church was turned into a warehouse, the Blessed Sacrament and the miraculous Statue were transferred to the chapel from the altar and the Eucharist was celebrated there.
Currently, there is a brick deep water well in the chapel. A pump that is placed in it draws water from a depth of several hundred meters. Both the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows and the ‘Well’ which lies at its foot are places that are frequently visited by the faithful and pilgrims not only from Jarosław and the surrounding area, but from all over Poland.