A monument of the bourgeois architecture. Initially the property of John Dąbek and his wife, Anna, after the fire of 1625 it was purchased and rebuilt by an Italian merchant, Juliusz Attavanti. Renovated in 1680 by the subsequent owner a Scotsman Jan Metlant – Jarosław voyt (commune head).
After the town hall was taken by Austrians, the municipal commune authorities were located there, and then the court. In the 20th century, there was also a people’s school and founded by an outstanding pianist, Maria Turzańska - Frédéric Chopin Music Society.
The Attavantis old tenement building has been since 2009 a seat of the institution – Centre for the Culture and Promotion in Jarosław. On the ground floor of the building there is a Tourist Information Point, where you can get information about the town, the region, and also buy all sorts of souvenirs and gifts. There is also the Underground Tourist Passage available for tourists which presents the rich history of the town. In the centre there are also galleries: Główna [Main], Debiutów [of Debutes], w Holu [in the Hall]. The last floor is occupied by representative Mirror Room with beautiful stucco which used to be a place of cultural events and concerts.