The Community was seated in the building at 8 Mickiewicza Square close to the town Culture Centre and consisted the highest echelon of the Jewish self-government. Religious, social welfare, taxation, judiciary and education affairs were settled there. The duties of the Community included financing the maintenance of the cemetery and settling important register issues.
The Jarosław Jewish Community became independent when isolated from the Przemyśl quahal in 1774. An important official was a rabbi who received a fixed salary. From 1785 the Jarosław Jewish Community owned all the surrounding villages. The Jewish National Council supervised the Board of the community. It was set up to observe and monitor the rights and interests of the Jews. The Community Office building also housed the office Gemilat Chasiudim. Currently, the building houses dwellings.
Next door to the building of the Jewish Community Office under the number 6 there was the Home of Elders and Handicaps. The Jarosław Town Council subsidised its construction. The Society for the Protection of Health and the Jewish People took care of the Home. The Society took care of the poorer Jewish community. The building also housed an infirmary financially supported by Chevra Kadisha Brotherhood. The main objective was free of charge care and keeping 20 elderly and handicapped people, both women and men. During the Nazi occupation the building was the seat of S. Konarski’s School. Currently it serves as a dwelling house.