Nearby the infantry barracks another barracks were located, created in 1900-1901. 34th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial-Royal Landwehr was stationed in the barracks, and after World War I 39th Lwów Rifles Infantry Regiment. It was a unit of infantry of the Polish Army of the Second Republic of Poland, established from among November defenders of Lviv in 1918. In the interwar period, the regiment was part of 24th Infantry Division. Soldiers of this regiment took part in the September 1939 Campaign, within the forces of the Carpathian Army.
Interestingly, in 1919, in order to commemorate the flag of Spytek of Jarosław who took part in the Battle of Grunwald, the regiment took the number "39".
In the barracks, not far from the main entrance gate, in 1934 a monument was erected, which has been preserved to this day. The monument is to commemorate the outstanding figure of Marshal Józef Piłsudski and remind of the brave defenders of Lviv.
The entire barracks complex consisted of four residential buildings high to three floors. Three of these buildings are located on the side of Kościuszki Street and one on the side of Racławicka Street. Apart from residential buildings, there were also warehouses, stables and an administrative staff building. The whole development was surrounded by a fence made of columns connected initially by wooden and then metal spans. After World War II, the Ministry of National Defence handed over the former barracks to the health service. At present, Professor Antoni Kępiński Specialist Psychiatric Healthcare Centre is located there .