At the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, an intense period of economic revival of Jarosław began. This has been achieved through the implementation of administrative reforms. Jarosław was granted the status of a district and self-government. However, the opening of the railway connection in 1857 was of the greatest importance. It was the so-called Galician railway named after Karl Ludwig. The railway was built in the years 1856-1861 under the direction of Leon Sapieha and connected the main Galician cities, i.e. Krakow and Lviv. For Jarosław this was a very important strategic fact, due to the military garrison that was being formed.
On the grounds that the number of troops was steadily growing in 1887-1897, military barracks were built at Koszarowa Street (now Poniatowskiego Street), near the railway station. The barracks (the so-called Gergont) were built under the supervision of Stanisław Rutkowski, chief urban engineer. In the barracks there were two three-storey buildings in the barracks style and several buildings used as warehouses.
One of the single-storey buildings, located from Poniatowskiego Street, has survived out of the whole development. The building was renovated and reconstructed, and then adapted for the needs of the Children's Home and Pedagogical and Psychological Clinic.
At the back of the plot there are two more barracks buildings. They have been adopted for the needs of such institutions as the Continuing Education Centre, a subsidiary of Bank Spółdzielczy and as service rooms.